originally Posted: 11/3/2010 | November 3rd, 2010
Last Updated: 3/29/22 | March 29th, 2022

One of the things travel forces you to face your judgments as well as understanding of people.

Last year, I came across some bohemian art people on the web. They liked my site, their art was cool, as well as they were extremely down-to-earth people.

We established a consistent on the internet friendship, however their way of life is absolutely different from mine.

There is nothing as well amazing about my social life. Overall, my social routines are quite mainstream. I enjoy movies, go to the gym, enjoy Netflix, work, as well as go to yuppie mixed drink bars.

But these people went to alternate celebrations like Burning guy as well as Lightning in a Bottle. They are truly into erotic art. They have a great deal of piercings as well as tattoos.

Some of them online in contemporary communes. They are vegan.

In short, they are the precise opposite of my “normal” social network.

To me, travel isn’t just about checking out different places. I don’t frequently care where I visit. Yes, I like checking out specific parts of the world, however what I truly want to check out is life on this planet. I want to understand exactly how cultures in shape together, why people believe as well as act the method they do, as well as exactly how seven billion of us in shape into this world.

Yes, I want to sip white wine in Paris as well as kick back on beaches in Thailand, however what I truly want to understand is why the French like to riot, why the Italians put up with corruption, why I will always be gaijin in Japan, as well as why the Thais seem to only reveal emotion in two forms: happiness or anger. (If you resided in Thailand, you would comprehend that last point.)

On the road, getting together with new people is easy. You’re there to learn, after all, so you’re complimentary to kick back as well as be curious. You can be whoever you want to be, as well as if some people don’t like it, that’s not a issue since you likely won’t ever see them again..

Contrast that with “the genuine world,” where you deal with all type of pressures as well as expectations. You have expenses to pay. Responsibilities. Lavori. Commutes. things to “actually” concern about. You aren’t on the step anymore, rather you are now firmly planted in one place, building a life.

While I like a great routine when I’m home, routines can likewise be stifling. Without effort, they can stifle growth as well as curiosity. They are the opposite of life on the road.

So, when the chance arose to go as well as go to these buddies in Reno, Nevada, I jumped at the possibility to experience something different. I went there with a great deal of curiosity as well as a extremely open mind — just like I would if I was in a different country.

Whatever they threw at me, I was going to take. Reno was all about new experiences, as well as I was looking ahead to discovering a thing or two.

We went to a techno show that was vaguely similar to Burning guy on my very first night. I hung out with people with blue hair as well as odd get-ups. There were a great deal of neon lights, a great deal of drugs, as well as a great deal of just way-out-there stuff.

I spoke with a person who talked a great deal about his sex shop as well as about checking out “things” with his wife.

I satisfied hippies who grew pot.

I satisfied great deals of raw-food people as well as vegans.

There was a great deal of talk about energy as well as love. (And even a lady who declared to be an alien.)

My holds ran an erotic art site.

I discovered everything weird.

Molto strano.

But at the exact same time, it was very, extremely fascinating (even if I couldn’t always relate).

And you understand what? I had a fantastic time.

Everyone was friendly. They were really thinking about what I do. They liked the truth that I was living my life on my own terms, as well as I truly liked the truth they were too.

I like people who comply with their dreams — even if those dreams are the polar opposite of mine. They welcomed me into their circle, they made me brownies, they invited me back for Thanksgiving. We shared a like for music, life, as well as a enthusiasm for true Blood.

One thing I’ve discovered in my four years of traveling around the world is that people are essentially the same. Whether a person is American, Australian, Japanese, Thai, or Uzbek, people want the exact same thing: to be happy, to be safe, to spend time with friends, as well as to take pleasure in life.

At home, we frequently tend to judge people ideal away. By their dress, their phone, their style, their posture. I even made judgments about the people in Reno before I went.

But I went since I wished to go to discover not to make judgments. as well as while I won’t be moving to a commune or ended up being a raw vegan anytime soon, what Reno reminded me was that the old adage about judgUn libro con la copertina non potrebbe essere più vero.

Quando sei in viaggio, stai con tutti i tipi di persone. Il tuo desiderio di fare in modo che gli amici superano tutto. Non capisci la storia delle persone o il passato. Non capisci in quale “gruppo” le persone autunno. Questo ti costringe ad ampliare la tua mente, abbattere le barriere e buttare via i tuoi giudizi.

Se fossi stato appena attaccato alla mia visione del mondo del “mondo reale”, non sarei mai andato a Reno. Non avrei mai soddisfatto persone così fantastiche. Non mi sarei mai sottoposto a nuovi concetti e metodi di vita.

Il viaggio consiste nel uscire dalla tua zona di comfort e di testare i tuoi confini. Per alcune persone, questo potrebbe essere solo camminare su un aereo per andare da qualche parte, o saltare bungy o, per me, abbracciare un metodo di vita al di fuori del mio.

Uscire dalla tua zona di comfort è uno dei metodi migliori per scoprire il mondo.

E Reno è stato un ottimo consiglio che la scoperta non indica solo la comprensione di persone provenienti da terre straniere. Può anche indicare la scoperta di persone con gusti diversi di te.

Perché qualunque cosa – così come tutti – ha qualcosa da mostrarti. Devi solo essere pronto ad ascoltare.

Come viaggiare per il mondo con $ 50 al giorno

La mia guida a brossura molto popolare del New York Times a World Travel ti mostrerà esattamente come padroneggiare l’arte del viaggio per assicurarti di uscire dai sentieri battuti, risparmiare denaro e avere un’esperienza di viaggio più profonda. È la tua guida per la pianificazione da A a Z che la BBC ha chiamato la “Bibbia per i viaggiatori del piano di bilancio”.

Fai clic qui per scoprire molto di più e iniziare a leggerlo oggi!

Prenota il tuo viaggio: idee logistiche e trucchi
Prenota il tuo volo
Trova un volo economico utilizzando Skyscanner. È il mio motore di sopracciglia preferito poiché cerca siti Web e compagnie aeree in tutto il mondo in modo da capire sempre che non viene lasciata la pietra.

Prenota il tuo alloggio
Puoi prenotare il tuo ostello con Hostelworld. Se vuoi rimanere in un posto diverso da un ostello, utilizza Booking.com in quanto restituiscono costantemente le tariffe meno costose per le pensioni e gli hotel.

Non mancare di ricordare l’assicurazione di viaggio
La copertura assicurativa di viaggio ti assicurerà di malattie, lesioni, furti e cancellazioni. È una sicurezza dettagliata nella situazione che tutto va storto. Non ho mai fatto un viaggio senza di esso perché ho dovuto utilizzarlo molte volte in passato. La mia attività preferita che offre il miglior servizio e valore sono:

Safetywing (migliore per tutti)

Assicura il mio viaggio (per quelli più di 70)

Medjet (per una copertura extra di evacuazione)

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